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[promo] Neamh-mharbh - "Neamh-mharbh"

A fan on Bandcamp described it as "a memorable experience".

Artist: Neamh-mharbh
Release Title: Neamh-mharbh
Label: Self-Released
Release Date: August 1, 2018
Format: Digital
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Ireland

Irish black metal duo Neamh-mharbh introduced their self-titled debut album in 2018, a release that shifts between the heavy, doom-filled tones of black metal and more atmospheric, experimental moments. Entirely self-produced, the record feels both raw and deliberate, pulling the listener into its conceptual framework with every track.

Drawing from ancient Irish themes, the album has a strong sense of identity, which resonates deeply through its lyrics and compositions. A fan on Bandcamp described it as "a memorable experience," highlighting the diverse vocal range and praising its concise tracklist, which makes it perfect for listening straight through.


  • Genesis
  • The Terror of the Revenant
  • Excursion of Cathrain
  • A Grave of Thorns
  • Remission


  • Loreid: Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Arrangements
  • MM: Guitars, Production, Arrangements

FFO Beherit, Darkthrone


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