[single] Listen to UP TO THE STARS new single "Anxiety I"
Today, UP TO THE STARS releases the music video for their debut single, "Anxiety I".

Artist: Up To The Stars
Release Title: Anxiety I
Label: Self-Released through M.L.A. (Miro Lange Art)
Release Date: June 28, 2024
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Germany

UP TO THE STARS is an atmospheric and melodic black metal project from Germany, crafted by Miro Lange. With a passion for transforming emotions into music, Miro draws from his extensive musical background, including projects like Stories of a Dark Soul and his role as a singer with Ritchie Wolfen, to create a dark and powerful sonic landscape.
The debut single, "Anxiety I", was released on June 28, 2024, and today marks the release of the music video for the single.
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